Members of the People’s National party, (PNP), continue to defend party leader Mark Golding amidst questions regarding his citizenship.
This, as members of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) have called for the Opposition Leader to provide a direct answer to the question of whether or not he is a British citizen.
The JLP members say a direct answer from the Opposition Leader is necessary, because Jamaica’s aspiring Head of Government being a citizen of another territory would raise serious questions of loyalty and allegiance.
But speaking at a PNP divisional conference at DeCarteret College last night Nekeisha Burchell, the party’s candidate for St. James Southern, stressed that having a British passport would not disqualify Mr. Golding from being Jamaica’s Prime Minister.
Meanwhile, the PNP’s candidate for St. Andrew Eastern Patricia Duncan-Sutherland said the JLP should remember Jamaica’s motto.