PM Holness & Finance Minister commit $10 million to construct dormitory facility for the Women’s Centre Foundation

Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke have committed $10 million towards constructing a dormitory facility for the Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation, in Kingston.

Mr. Holness made the announcement, while speaking at the foundation’s charity ball Saturday evening.

He said the donation will allow the centre to be more impactful to the adolescent mothers it serves.

Meantime, the Prime Minister said a new women’s centre facility is to be built in St. Thomas.

The centre will be designed and constructed by the Factories Corporation of Jamaica (FCJ), which will also adopt the facility.

The Women’s Centre provides continuing education for girls who drop out of school due to pregnancy and facilitates their reinstatement into the formal school system after giving birth.

More than 50,000 teen mothers have been assisted by the centre since its establishment in 1978.


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