Two killed in Nannyville shooting incidents, curfew imposed

Two men were shot and killed in separate incidents in Nannyville, St. Andrew on Saturday.

In the latest incident, at around 7:40 pm, 43-year-old Kimanie Reece otherwise called ‘Itamar’ was shot and killed at his home on Mandingo pathway in the area.

Reports are that residents heard explosions and alerted the police.

On their arrival, Reece was seen lying in the yard with gunshot wounds.

He was pronounced dead at hospital.

And hours earlier, at around 3 p.m., 26-year-old Raheem Panton, was also shot and killed by unknown assailants in the vicinity of Bottom Nannyville.

Police reports are that, Panton was standing among a group of men along the roadway, when armed men alighted from a white Toyota motor car and opened gunfire hitting him to the upper body before making their escape.

The police were summoned and Panton taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The half way tree criminal investigations branch is investigating both murders.

Meanwhile, a 48-hour curfew has been imposed in sections of Nannyville, in the St. Andrew Central Division.

The curfew began at 8 on Sunday morning and will remain in effect until 8 a.m., on Tuesday.

The boundaries of the curfew include Nanny Boulevard, Mountain View Avenue and Statue Road.

During the hours of the curfew, persons within its boundaries are required to remain within their premises, unless otherwise authorised by the ground commander.


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