Dental surgeons back at work today, following days of industrial action over livable wage 

Dental surgeons who had taken industrial action since Monday (October 30), following a breakdown in salary negotiations with the government, are back on the job today. 

Yesterday (November 1), members of the Jamaica Association of Dental Surgeons stepped up their demands for a livable wage, with several corporate area protests, including at the ministries of health and finance. 

According to the Union of Clerical Administrative and Supervisory Employees (UCASE), the workers’ decision to take industrial action stemmed from failed negotiations, which have been ongoing since last year.

UCASE President, Vincent Morrison says, the dental surgeons found offers made to them unsatisfactory, and as such, decided to take industrial action. 

Mr. Morrison said the decision to end the demonstrations came after a meeting with the Transformation Implementation Unit (TIU), which spearheads the implementation of public sector transformation initiatives.


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