Commuters left stranded as taxi operators withdrew their services

Scores of taxi operators withdrew their service today, causing delays for commuters in sections of some parishes.

There were also tense moments at some locations.

Transport Minister Daryl Vaz described the withdrawal of service as moderate.

Not all taxi groups participated.

Scores of operators went on strike to highlight their discontent with the mandatory suspension of drivers licences, for the accumulation of 10 or more demerit points.

Among the affected parishes were St. Ann, St. Mary, St. James, St. Elizabeth, St. Catherine, St. Mary, Kingston and St. Andrew and Portland.

Some roadways were also blocked.

Speaking with IRIE FM News this afternoon, President of the All Voice Transportation Group Lorraine Oscar Finnikin noted that he did not organise the strike but understands the operators’ plight.

He said according to reports he received, St. Catherine was one of the most affected parishes, while St. James was among those least affected.

He said the reports from the Corporate Area have been mixed.

Meantime, Mr. Finnikin has sought to inform affected commuters, that today’s strike was due to operators’ fear of losing their licenses.


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