Agriculture and Fisheries Minister reveals several solution-driven initiatives for Fisheries Sector

Agriculture and Fisheries Minister, Floyd Green, has revealed several solution-driven initiatives aimed at enhancing fishing operations islandwide.

He made the disclosure at the ministry’s island-wide New Face of Food stakeholder engagement session in St. Elizabeth today.

Noting that Jamaica can grow the fisheries sector tremendously, Mr. Green said the ministry plans to construct two new major fish sanctuaries, to rebuild near-shore fisheries stock. 

He also announced that the Galleon Fish Sanctuary in St. Elizabeth will receive new equipment, as it will provide an eco-tourism product to visitors.

In addition, the ministry will construct a gear shed in Billy’s Bay to provide fishers with a secure storage facility for their fishing equipment and will equip other fishing beaches with storage containers for stock.

Minister Green also disclosed the upcoming launch of a web-based application, which will enable individuals to apply and pay for their fishing licenses at their convenience.


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