Venesha Phillips, Kari Douglas defeated in local gov’t polls

There were some upsets in the race for seats in the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation, following yesterday’s local government election.

One came from the Trafalgar division where the People’s National Party (PNP) candidate Jesse James, claimed victory over the Jamaica Labour Party’s (JLP’s) Kari Douglas.

James polled 1, 691 votes while Douglas got 1,021 votes.

Douglas had switched from the PNP to the JLP and was hoping to retain her position as councillor.

Another councillor, who had crossed the floor from the PNP to the JLP, Venesha Phillips, of the Papine division, also lost her seat.

She was defeated by the PNP’s Darrington Ferguson who polled 2,113 votes, to Phillips’ 1,854.

Despite these losses, Mayor of Kingston Delroy Williams told reporters that he is confident that the KSAMC will remain under a JLP majority, at the end of the final count. 


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