Two men sentenced in Home Circuit Court today for role in murder of MP Paullwell’s daughter and the child’s mother

Two men who pleaded guilty to involvement in the murder of Opposition lawmaker Phillip Paulwell’s 10-month-old daughter and her mother were sentenced today in the Home Circuit Court.

The first man, Richard Brown, who admitted to kidnapping and murdering Toshyna Patterson and her infant daughter Sarayah Paulwell on September 9, was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment at hard labour on each of the two counts of murder.

He was also sentenced to one year and 10 months for each count of kidnapping.

The sentences are to run concurrently, and Brown will not be eligible for parole until he has served 20 years in prison.

The second man, Roshane Miller, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to kidnap, accessory before the fact to murder, and misprision of felony.

Miller was sentenced to seven years and 10 months imprisonment for each of the two accessory before the fact to murder charges.

He was also sentenced to two years and 10 months imprisonment at hard labour for each of the two counts of conspiracy to kidnap charges.

Miller is to serve one year and 10 months in prison at hard labour for the misprison of felony charges.

His sentences are to run concurrently.

Today’s sentencing was settled under the Plea Negotiations and Agreements Act.


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