Trial begins for second man charged with murder of American missionaries

The trial of 34-year-old St. Mary taxi operator Andre Thomas, the second person charged with the murder of two American missionaries, began in the Home Circuit Court in Kingston, yesterday, after 7 years.


Forty-eight-year-old Randy Hetzel and 53-year-old Harold Nichols were found dead in bushes in Wentworth, St. Mary, on April 30, and May 1, 2016.


The missionaries were last seen leaving Tower Isle in the parish, at about 8 AM on April 30, 2016.


Hentzel died of a gunshot wound, while Nichols had gunshot and chop wounds.


Thomas was jointly charged with 32-year-old St. Mary farmer, Dwight Henry, who pleaded guilty to the murder charges, earlier this year.


Henry was later sentenced in January to life imprisonment, and ordered to serve 28 years, before he is eligible for parole.


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