Transport Minister recommends immediate ban on ride hailing applications in Jamaica, citing security concerns

Transport Minister Daryl Vaz has recommended an immediate ban on ride hailing applications in Jamaica.

The announcement was made during his sectoral presentation in parliament on Tuesday.

It follows Monday’s discovery of remains, believed to be those of 29-year-old primary school teacher, Danielle Anglin, who reportedly went missing after booking a rideshare to work.

A ride-share operator, who is also a deportee, who was previously charged with sexual offences, has admitted involvement in her disappearance.

Ride hailing services have been at the centre of other disappearances and criminal activities.

In parliament, the Transport Minister noted that while government is not opposed to the operations of ride hailing services, they must operate within the ambit of the law.

Mr. Vaz wants the ban to take effect immediately and run for an initial twelve months.

The Minister added that the incident involving Ms. Anglin is just one of several involving ride-hailing companies.


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