Taxi operators urged to file legal challenge against traffic ticket

Motorists, especially taxi operators, are being urged to file a legal challenge about their traffic tickets, on the grounds that the fines imposed and collected in recent years, are illegal.

This, as the new higher traffic fines stipulated in the 2018 amended road traffic legislation were not enacted until last year, and the accompanying regulations do not come into force, until February.

The government later sought and got approval from parliament to validate and indemnify the transport authority for collecting the fines.

Opposition MP Fitz Jackson said the exorbitant traffic fines motorists paid are illegal, and the millions collected should be reimbursed by the government.

Speaking at a Todss virtual meeting last evening, Mr Jackson again raised concern about the ticket fines.

Mr Jackson pointed to administrative lapses that may have contributed to the problem.

He said with an admission by the government, that there are glitches with the traffic ticket system, motorists have a strong claim in court.


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