Sombre mood rocks Discovery Bay Primary and Infant following death of 9-y-o

There was a sombre mood at the Discovery Bay Primary and Infant School, in St. Ann on Monday morning, as teachers and students struggle to come to terms with the gruesome murder of 9 year old Talia Thompson.

Thompson of Fort Land road, in Discovery Bay, died after she was stabbed several times at her home on Saturday around 3 P.M.

She had been sexually assaulted.

A family member of the child, who reportedly attempted to commit suicide by inflicting a gunshot wound and knife wounds to himself, is admitted in hospital under police guard.

On Monday morning, a special devotion was held at the Discovery Bay Primary and Infant school, where Talia was a grade four student.

Several guidance counsellors from nearby schools and the ministry’s guidance and counselling unit were on site to support her grieving classmates.

Chairman of the school’s board, Raymon Treasure, said it was a very sad occasion for the community.

Mr Treasure assured that support will be provided for the grieving school community.

Meantime, Talia’s teacher Camar Clarke, expressed sadness at Talia’s passing while noting that she was a brilliant and outgoing student.


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