Review to be undertaken of security arrangements at Gordon House and other gov’t facilities

A review is to be undertaken of the security arrangements at Gordon House, the seat of Jamaica’s Parliament.

This, following last night’s attempted arson attack at the institution.

A release from the Houses of Parliament says the decision to undertake a security review follows consultation with the Senate President and House Speaker, along with the team in charge of security at Gordon House.

It noted that a preliminary assessment revealed that damage to the parliamentary building due to the fire was minor. A Police investigation is underway.

Meantime, the Jamaica Constabulary Force says Police Commissioner, Dr Kevin Blake, has ordered a review and assessment of the security arrangements at a number of government premises.

It also notes that a senior detective from the Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) is leading the investigation into last night’s attack.

Reports are that at about 10:00 PM, JCF members attached to the Protective Services Division were on regular duty at the parliament building when they detected the smell of smoke.

Upon conducting external checks of the building, they discovered smoke at the entrance and an odour similar to kerosene.

They observed a partially burnt plastic bottle on the ground and burn marks on the front doors.

CCTV footage reviewed shortly thereafter revealed that an individual threw a plastic bottle containing an accelerant at the building, igniting it before fleeing north along Duke Street on foot.

The fire extinguished naturally, resulting in minimal damage estimated at approximately $80,000.


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