Public nurses request meeting with Finance Minister regarding compensation review

The island’s public nurses have called on Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke to contact them by tomorrow, to discuss outstanding issues relating to the compensation review.

The Nurses Association of Jamaica, NAJ,  held its third general meeting today, at which members expressed frustration with the length of time it is taking for the ministry to implement some items on which agreement has been reached.

They claim that the matter has been compounded, following the receipt of a letter from the ministry, which indicated that some items already agreed to are being reviewed.

NAJ President Dawn Marie Richards said previous attempts to meet with the minister, or ministry representatives, failed.

She said the NAJ has written letters to both the Ministries of Finance and Health, but the issues remain unresolved.  

Among the unresolved issues are, extra hours worked and uniform policy implementation dates. 

Mrs. Richards sought to assure citizens that though upset the nurses will not disrupt patient care. 


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