Police investigating attempted arson attack at Gordon House

Police are reporting that an attempt was made to set Gordon House, the seat of Jamaica’s parliament, on fire last night.

Lawmen say at around 10:28 PM, two security officers were on duty at the location on Duke Street in Kingston, when they smelled a noxious substance and did an extensive examination of the building.

It is reported that after the examination was made a minor burn was observed to the front door. A plastic bottle which was also burnt, was seen in proximity of the fire.

Police say CCTV camera shows a male pouring a substance on the building and thereafter running north along Duke Street. Police say the minor blaze dissipated on its own.

Information Minister Senator Dr. Dana Morris Dixon has condemned the incident.

She said authorities are to meet with the police to discuss boosting security at the institution.

In the meantime, the Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has expressed deep concern regarding the incident.

In a release this morning, the PNP said the incident represents an attack on a symbol of the country’s legislature and law-making, necessitating immediate attention from law enforcement authorities.

Spokesperson on Information, Nickiesha Burchell, called for a swift and comprehensive investigation to ascertain the motive behind this act.

She also called for increased security at the government institution.


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