Police increase efforts to locate teen accused of setting school girl ablaze at her St. Catherine home last year

The Jamaica Constabulary Force has increased its efforts to locate the man accused of setting Alecia King ablaze at her St. Catherine home last year.

He is 18-year-old Antwone Grey, also known as “Badfowl” and “Bright”.

Grey is wanted for attempted murder, assault occasioning grievous bodily harm and malicious destruction of property.

The police’s ramped up efforts come amidst Alecia’s return to the country yesterday.

With the help of the Sanmerna Foundation and others, she left the island after the incident to receive medical care at Shriner’s Burn Center in Texas, in the United States.

Speaking at a reception ceremony in Kingston last evening, Head of the Constabulary’s Communications Unit, Senior Superintendent Stephanie Lindsay said the police are still searching for the perpetrator.

She noted, however, that lawmen suspect that Grey is being hidden by relatives and community members.

Lindsay is appealing to persons to hand Grey over to the police or provide the necessary information that could lead to his capture.

Grey was also listed on the police’s Wanted Wednesday feature this morning.


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