Police High Command says investigation into accident in which traffic cop was mowed down yesterday, is far advanced

The Police High Command says the investigation into an incident in which a traffic cop was mowed down by a motorist in St. Andrew yesterday is far advanced.

The vehicle involved in the incident was reportedly found abandoned.

The High Command has strongly condemned the attack on the officer.

In a release, the High Command said the constable assigned to the Beat Officer Patrol Division of the Public Safety and Traffic Enforcement Branch was intentionally struck by a motorist he had signaled to stop for a violation of the Road Traffic Act at approximately 6:10 p.m.

It said the motorist’s deliberate actions resulted in serious injuries to the constable, who remains hospitalized in stable condition.

The High Command denounced what it called a senseless act of violence against its officers while reaffirming its commitment to upholding the law, safeguarding citizens and maintaining order.

It said any form of violence towards officers will be met with the strictest application of the law.

The High Command urged members of the public to cooperate with law enforcement and refrain from actions that jeopardize lives.

It said the JCF remains dedicated to ensuring safety and justice for all Jamaicans, while noting that the investigation into the incident is advanced and updates will be provided.

The High Command also urged members of the public who may have witnessed the incident, to call Crime Stop at 311 or the Police Emergency Centre at 119.


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