PNP promises reduced congestion and cleaner towns if it controls Municipal corporations

The People’s National Party, (PNP), has promised reduced congestion and cleaner towns if it gains control of the Municipal Corporations across the island.

The statement was made by PNP councillor candidate for the Hayes Division in Clarendon, Scean Barnswell, in the second and final debate ahead of the Local Government Election.

Mr Barnswell urged citizens to imagine what the country would be like if this was the reality.

He said the PNP will also ensure that the mayors and councillors are held accountable for performing their duties.

The other PNP representatives at the debate were Kaydian Harty and Andrew Swaby.

Meanwhile, the JLP was represented by Mayor Delroy Williams, Richard Vernon and Local Government Minister Desmond McKenzie who replaced Whitney Smith-Currie.


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