PM Holness stresses importance of students being picked up by authorized person

Prime Minister Andrew Holness stressed the importance of having a child picked up from school, by an authorised person.

He made the point as he reiterated that the safety and security policy for all public schools will be reviewed.

This comes in the wake of the abduction and murder of 8 year old Danielle Rowe.

The child was taken from the braeton primary school in Portmore St Catherine, then found hours later along Roosevelt Avenue in St Andrew, last Thursday.

Her throat had been slashed, and despite undergoing emergency surgery, Danielle succumbed on Saturday.

Noting that there is evil in the society, he lamented that good nature, cannot be taken for granted.

Mr Holness said such cruel incidents, should not be allowed to become the norm.

Having directed the education ministry to review schools security policy, Holness pointed out that the review, may include implementation of cameras, guards, and gates.


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