PM Holness says the NWC is far advanced in addressing water issues in Brown’s Town, St. Ann

Prime Minister Andew Holness has sought to assure residents of Brown’s  Town, St. Ann that the National Water Commission (NWC) is far advanced in addressing the water issues facing the Community.

Brown’s Town has been without water for several weeks, due to mechanical failure and other issues, with the Minard Pumping Station.

The issues have impacted residents, businesses and schools in the area. 

On Monday, the St. Hilda’s Diocesan High School had to delay its re-opening due to a lack of water on the school’s campus.

Last month, Water Minster Matthew Samuda pledged that the water issues in Brown’s Town would be alleviated, upon completion of the Minard Well Pump Replacement Project. 

The Project commenced in February, and no date has been announced for completion.

Speaking in Parliament yesterday, Mr. Holness noted that the Government is advanced in finding a solution to the problems at the Minard Well.


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