Opposition not deterred by legal threats from PM’s attorneys

The Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) says a threat of legal action from attorneys representing Prime Minister Andrew Holness will neither deter nor distract the party from defending the rights of citizens to good governance and transparency.

The statement comes after the Prime Minister instructed his attorneys yesterday to initiate legal action against senior PNP members following comments made about the Integrity Commission’s report on his financial affairs.

In a statement today, legal advisor to the PNP Anthony Hylton said the party will continue to promote and defend the rights of the Jamaican people to transparency and probity in public life.

He said the lawsuit will not stop the PNP from carrying out its representational duties and its constitutional responsibilities as the Opposition.

Meantime, the PNP’s Women’s Movement has joined the call for Mr. Holness to demit office.

President Patricia Duncan Sutherland said Mr. Holness should resign or call a general election to allow for the restoration of confidence in the government and its institutions.


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