Opposition calls for at risk councillors to get protection, following murder of Ainsley Parkins

Opposition Leader Mark Golding is calling for councillors who are at risk, based on the communities they serve, to be given regular protection by the state.

This follows the murder of 55-year-old councillor Ainsley Parkins, otherwise called ‘Tyson’, who represented the Southborough division, in Portmore.

Speaking at a tribute ceremony for Councillor Parkins this morning, Mr. Golding noted that many councillors feel that the state does not look after their security sufficiently.

He said the fact that an elected representative of the people could be assassinated in broad daylight, on a public roadway, is a frightening thought.

The Opposition Leader said there needs to be a revisiting of the security arrangements for at risk officials.

He said Mr. Parkins’ death must be used to reinforce the resolve to address the safety issues in the Jamaican society.


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