NSWMA says insufficient resources and lack of proper legislation are key issues contributing to poor waste management and plastic control in Jamaica

Insufficient resources, improper individual practices and a lack of proper legislation remain some of the key issues, contributing to poor solid waste management and plastic control in Jamaica. 

That’s according to Executive Director of the National Solid Waste Management Authority, (NSWMA), Audley Gordon, who was speaking this morning at a meeting of the Public Administration and Appropriations Committee (PAAC).

Data from 2019 shows that the ban on single use bags only accounted for a 3% reduction in the millions of tons of plastic manufactured and used in Jamaica. 

Mr. Gordon lamented that this is a far cry from helping towards climate justice and proper plastic disposal.

He said Jamaica is far behind when compared to the rest of the world.

Mr. Gordon said the NSWMA, despite receiving 50 trucks recently, still does not have enough tipper trucks. 

He also noted that a national waste separation plan and public education are urgently needed. 


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