More Jamaicans say Crime is the number one issue affecting the country

More Jamaicans reportedly now agree that the number one issue being faced in the country is crime.

This, according to the findings of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce’s 4th Quarter Business and Consumer Confidence Indices.

Speaking at a webinar this morning, Pollster Don Anderson, noted that consumers were asked what the most critical issue is facing the country.

He said crime was the number one answer, followed by unemployment and poverty.

Mr. Anderson said over half of the 600 consumers surveyed believe that crime will worsen over the next twelve months, compared to 11% who think the situation will improve. 

He said a large percentage of over one hundred businesses surveyed also indicated that they believe crime is the most pressing issue facing Jamaica.

Businesses also agreed that providing more jobs for young people, more stringent penalties for crime and better paying jobs, would help to alleviate crime.


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