More guilty verdicts handed down in Clansman Gang trial

Alleged leader of the St. Catherine based Clansman-One Don gang, Andre “Blackman” Bryan, was today found guilty in relation to two more charges.


Chief Justice Bryan Sykes found Bryan guilty of facilitating the murder of Jermaine Bryan and Cedella Walder, in September 2017.


The double murder took place at New Nursery Fisheries in St. Catherine.


The couple’s house was set on fire and the bodies burnt beyond recognition.


Bryan, along with co-accused Jahzeel Blake, Dylan McLean and Tareek James were also found guilty of knowingly facilitating the commission of murder by a criminal organization, and knowingly facilitating arson of a dwelling house.


Two alleged gang members — Brian Morris and Michael Whitely — were found not guilty in relation to the double murder and arson.


Twenty-six alleged members of the Clansman Gang are on trial in the Home Circuit Court for being members of a criminal organization.


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