Medical Technologists seek Gov’t intervention following breakdown in wage talks with UTASP

Medical Technologists are calling for Government intervention following a breakdown in wage talks with their union – the Union of Technical, Administrative and Supervisory Personnel (UTASP).

Some medical technologists staged a protest on Monday (August 21), calling for UTASP to sign the new wage agreement, under the compensation system.

Senior Medical Technologist, Donaldo Montague told IRIE FM news that the workers had no choice but to take action due to the unlivable wages they earn.

According to Mr Montague, a level-one medical technologist receives $95,000 but the new system would see them receiving $247,000.

He is calling on the Ministry of Health and Wellness to intervene.

Mr Montague says while he cannot guarantee that all medical technologists will return to work today, he is hoping for a response soon, so the situation does not get worse.

Meantime, President of UTASP, St Patrice Ennis says when the vote was conducted, the majority of the workers were not in support of the new wage agreement.

He said wage discussions are ongoing but a minority of the medical technologists have grown impatient.


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