Local Gov’t Minister says JLP will be rewarded for its performance in the upcoming elections; Opposition says it will not stand for another postponement

Local Government Minister Desmond McKenzie has asserted that Jamaicans will reward the Jamaica Labour Party, JLP for its performance over the past few years in the upcoming local government elections.

Speaking at a JLP area council meeting, yesterday, Mr. McKenzie said the party’s performance since 2016 speaks for itself.

He praised the work of several JLP ministers including Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke.

According to Mr. McKenzie there is no one in the PNP that can match up to Dr. Clarke.

Local Government elections are constitutionally due at the end of February this year, after being postponed three times.

But the ruling JLP has yet to announce a date for its hosting.

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Mark Golding has again indicated that his party will not stand for another  postponement of the local government polls.

The People’s National Party, PNP has threatened to take legal action against the government if the elections are postponed again.

Speaking at the presentation of candidates for the local government election in Hanover, last evening, Mr. Golding stressed that several councillors have passed away and need to be replaced.


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