JPS & OUR given September 6 deadline to address Energy Minister Daryl Vaz’s concerns over spikes in electricity bills

The Jamaica Public Service (JPS) and the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) have been given a deadline of September 6 to respond to queries from Energy Minister Daryl Vaz regarding major spikes in  electricity bills. 

The Energy Minister wrote to the heads of both entities today, following concerns raised by customers who reported massive increases on their electricity bills in the last billing cycle.

That cycle included the days and weeks following the passage of Hurricane Beryl, when some customers did not have electricity.

In some cases, customers said their bills had doubled.

Mr. Vaz responded to the concerns last evening stating his intention to write to 

JPS President Hugh Grant and OUR Director General Ansord Hewitt.

He followed through on that promise today.

In the letter to the JPS President, the minister said there are compelling reasons to be concerned about the numerous complaints received from customers who reported large anomalies in their electricity bills.

He said the circumstances raise major concerns regarding the validity and dependability of JPS’ present billing processes and methodology.

Mr. Vaz requested a detailed disclosure of JPS’ billing methodology, including how estimates are calculated, how actual usage is recorded and the specific measures JPS has implemented to ensure billing accuracy following Beryl and in the future. 

He said the notice should also include how JPS intends to correct any submitted billing inaccuracies and guarantee that consumers are appropriately billed for actual electricity consumption at any time.

Meantime, the letter to the OUR requested that the agency conduct a thorough and quick examination into JPS’ billing practices during and after the Hurricane Beryl disruptions. 

Mr. Vaz said the investigation should include an examination of how estimates are generated, the accuracy of meter readings and the adequacy of customer service responses to billing inquiries and disputes.

The ministry expects the OUR to take swift action in this matter and to provide a detailed report of the findings, as well as recommendations for corrective measures as needed.


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