JHTA conducting assessments to determine if importation of produce necessary as local farmers continue to recover from Hurricane Beryl

As the country’s agriculture sector continues to recover from Hurricane Beryl, the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) says it is conducting assessments to determine if there will be a need to import produce to keep the hotel industry afloat.

Farmers across the island have experienced severe losses, as the Category four hurricane damaged crops and infrastructure during its passage on July 3.

The Jamaica Agricultural Society had projected increases in prices as food crops become scarce.

Speaking with IRIE FM news, JHTA President, Robin Russell says there is concern over food security and the impact a critical fallout may have on the tourist and hotel industry.

He says discussions are underway to see if importation will be necessary.

Mr. Russell notes that if importation becomes the answer, a balance must be maintained where local farmers are not left with produce they cannot sell.

He said a decision on importation will be made soon.


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