JFJ urges police hierarchy to provide thorough account of video showing an 11-year-old pinned to the ground by a police officer

Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) is urging the police hierarchy to provide a thorough account of a video circulating on social media showing an eleven-year-old student being pinned to the ground by a police officer.

According to JFJ, the incident happened during a routine traffic stop in St. Mary.

Executive Director Mickel Jackson said while there is no official account of what triggered the response, it is clear the responding police officers resorted to a shocking use of excessive force against the minor.

The eleven-year-old was allegedly pepper sprayed, thrown to the ground, knelt on by an officer and refused water to alleviate some of the pain endured due to the encounter.

Ms. Jackson condemned what she describes as the egregious violation of the child’s rights.

She said the incident emphasizes the urgent need for a transparent and comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

She is calling on the constabulary force to take swift and decisive action against the officers involved, while placing a renewed focus on training that prioritizes de-escalation techniques.

Ms. Jackson also renewed her call for the use of body-worn cameras.


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