JC’s Bygrave hunting more victories as his schoolboy career winds down.

Star Jamaica College middle distance runner Kemarrio Bygrave, is winding down his schoolboy career he competes in two events at this weekend’s East Coast International Showcase at the PG Sports Complex in Landover, Maryland.

Bygrave, who is set to represent his school one last time at next month’s National Trials for the World Under 20 Championships, produced a stunning anchor leg on the weekend at the Penn Relays, to hand JC an amazing win in the 4×800 meters Championship of America final.

Bygrave who also captured the class one 800 meters title at the ISSA Boys Championships in March, won three gold medals at the Carifta games.

The 18-year-old who is preparing for College after high school is set to compete in his pet event as well as the 4×400 at this weekend’s event in Maryland.

Bygrave in the meantime, reflected on what would have been an outstanding year for him representing Jamaica College.


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