Jamaica Fire Brigade says measures taken to reduce service disruption due to temporary relocation of operations at HWT station

The Jamaica Fire Brigade is assuring citizens that several measures have been taken to minimize service disruption stemming from the temporary relocation of operations at the Half-Way-Tree fire station in St. Andrew.

For at least four months, starting today, operations will be transferred to the York Park fire station on Orange Street in Kingston to facilitate rehabilitation works at the Half-Way-Tree branch.

Speaking with IRIE FM news, the Brigade’s Commissioner, Stewart Beckford says due to distance, there might be instances of delayed responses but steps are in place to keep the delays to a minimum.

He says one such step is the redrawing of the operating boundaries of neighbouring fire stations.

Commissioner Beckford says the major infrastructure project at the Half-Way-Tree branch is a critical component of the transformation of fire and rescue services. This is to ensure optimal delivery in an evolving physical landscape in Kingston and St. Andrew.

He adds that it will address firefighter and staff safety, as well as expand and further modernize service capacity.


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