Jamaica Association of Public Health Inspectors has called for a probe into the actions of men impersonating public health inspectors

The Jamaica Association of Public Health Inspectors (JAPHI) has called for a probe into the actions of two men, who it says have reportedly been impersonating public health inspectors. 

Speaking with Irie FM News, JAPHI’s President Michael Myles said the men are seen dressed in what appears to be the uniform of inspectors and have allegedly been speaking on behalf of the association. 

Mr. Myles said the men have been visiting various business establishments, pretending to conduct inspections. 

Their latest appearance was reported at the official re-opening ceremony of Crab Circle near the National Heroes Park in Kingston. 

In condemning the men’s actions, the JAPHI Chief said they do not represent public health inspectors and are merely imposters who have committed a criminal act. 

He warned that the men have also breached the Council of Professions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM) Act. 

He is also urging the public to exercise vigilance and to call the association or the police if they are doubtful about anyone who purports to be a representative of the profession. 


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