IC recommends increased income threshold for public sector workers who file statutory declarations

The Integrity Commission has recommended that the income threshold for public sector workers who file statutory declarations, be increased to $12 million up from the current $3.5 million annually.

This would impact the number of persons required to file, and whose declaration would require review by the commission, thereby increase efficiency.

Director of information and complaints, Craig Berrisford noted that with the recent public sector restructuring, and salary increase, more persons fall within the threshold.

He said over 40,000 public officials workers were required to file declarations for 2021, and the IC’s resources to conduct reviews are stretched thin.

Berrisford said a risk-based approach to determining which public officials file statutory declarations, would be suitable for Jamaica.

He pointed out that in a bid to deal with the thousands of declarations, an electronic filing system will soon be implemented.

He was speaking on Tuesday at a meeting of the Integrity Commission oversight committee.


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