Health Ministry engaging additional vector control workers to eradicate mosquito breeding sites

In the wake of an increase in the country’s mosquito population post-Hurricane Beryl, the Health Ministry will be engaging additional vector control workers in an effort to eradicate mosquito breeding sites.

Speaking at a press conference this morning, portfolio minister Dr. Christopher Tufton noted that the engagement of the workers is among several initiatives that were presented in a plan to Cabinet.

He said the additional vector control workers will be strategically placed across the country.

As it relates to fogging, Dr. Tufton said this will be ramped up with emphasis on high risk communities.

Private pest control operators will also be engaged over the next two months to get the mosquito population to a level that’s manageable by the Ministry’s vector control team.

The Ministry also began the distribution of drum covers to citizens islandwide.

500 have been handed over post-Beryl and another 20,000 are to be procured for distribution.

The Health Minister urged citizens to exercise personal responsibility by checking their homes for mosquito breeding sites and eradicating them where found.


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