Gov’t must consider implementing mechanism to ensure employers do not abuse fixed term contracts-Charles Jr.

Labour Minister Pearnel Charles Junior says the government must consider implementing a robust monitoring mechanism, to ensure employers do not abuse fixed term contracts. 

He indicates that the government will be enhancing the legal framework, and promoting a culture of transparency, in the workplace.

Mr. Charles said the government is clear in its commitment  to equitable and just labour practices that uphold the rights of every worker.

He was addressing the Labour Advisory Council Sub-Committee Focus Group Workshop on Fixed Term Contracts, yesterday.

The workshop  delved into critical discussions surrounding fixed-term contracts.

Mr. Charles Junior expressed hope that the event would expose the root causes of  contract work related challenges.

He stated that it was an important conversation about how to partner across public and private sectors to ensure that an equitable environment is created  for both employers and employees. 

The Labour Minister said fixed term contracts are an option, which can be advantageous, if used appropriately, but damaging, if misused. 

He said part of dealing with the concern  is raising awareness  to advance an environment for  decent work.

The Labour Minister said  the abuse of fixed term contracts manifests  in a number of ways.

Mr. Charles highlighted five areas, including wage disparity and denial of benefits.

He said the vulnerabilities must be discussed, to define how to protect workers and combat the injustice and abuse  associated with fixed term contracts.


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