Government Senate caucus expresses full support for the PM amid resignation calls linked to the IC report on his financial affairs

The Government Senate Caucus has expressed full support for Prime Minister Andrew Holness amid increased public discourse and resignation calls, following the tabling of an Integrity Commission report regarding his financial affairs.

The Integrity Commission determined that no charge should be laid against Prime Minister Holness in relation to reports of statutory declaration breaches, but sent the report to the Financial Investigations Division (FID).

In a statement this morning, Leader of Government Business in the Senate, Kamina Johnson Smith, noted that the commission did not conclude that the Prime Minister acted unlawfully or unethically.

She said the caucus is fully confident in Mr. Holness’s integrity and his continued distinguished stewardship of Jamaica.

Mrs. Johnson Smith also rejected what she described as the dangerous, partisan, misleading, and desperate coordinated attacks on the Prime Minister.


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