Golding defends new selection of shadow cabinet

Opposition leader Mark Golding has sought to defend his reshuffling of the shadow cabinet.

The reshuffled team, announced on Saturday, saw Dr Alfred Dawes and Nickiesha Burchell, among others, added to the list; while Lisa Hanna and Dr Morais Guy were dropped.

Some political commentators, including attorney Linton Gordon, have questioned the timing of the move.

However, while speaking at a media mingle at the weekend, Mr Golding said the shadow cabinet is now more relevant to the type of problems Jamaica is facing.

When asked about the naming of persons who are not in the upper or lower house, Mr Golding said he expects that these individuals will eventually become senators or members of parliament.

Mr Golding said the members of the shadow cabinet will continue to be held accountable if they fail to perform their tasks.


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