Former PNP parliamentarian, Dwayne Vaz today fined quarter million dollars for Integrity Commission Act breach

Former People’s National Party (PNP) parliamentarian Dwayne Vaz, was today fined $250,000 for breaching the Integrity Commission Act.

Mr. Vaz who served as member of parliament for Westmoreland Central, pleaded guilty to breaches in the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Court, in April.

The plea came days after he insisted that he had adhered to the requirements of the act.

After the judge imposed the fine today, it was paid by Mr. Vaz.

The Commission had stated that Mr. Vaz had failed to file statutory declarations for 2019.

The Commission’s Director of Investigation said Mr. Vaz was given an opportunity to discharge liability by paying a fixed penalty and submitting the requested information.

The former MP submitted the requested information but did not pay the fixed penalty of  $250,000 to Tax Administration Jamaica.

Mr. Vaz pleaded guilty to the offence of failing without reasonable cause to provide the information relating to his statutory declarations by way of notice dated November 3, 2020 and subsequent extension dates given to do so.

The required information was in relation to a company known as Estella Global Services.


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