Finance Minister reiterates that allocation of public resources will not be influenced by those who express their frustration the loudest

Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke has warned that the allocation of resources cannot continue to be influenced by those who express their frustration the loudest.

His comment follows a threat of disruption to the public sector by civil service unions.

The Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU) and the Jamaica Civil Service Association (JCSA) have expressed that thousands of public servants are reportedly restive due to a delay in wage talks with the ministry.

Key among them are matters related to the compensation review and wage anomalies.

The groups had given the Finance Minister a ten-day ultimatum for him to meet with them to settle the issues.

But noting that capital expenditure had to be reduced twice in this fiscal year to accommodate wage demands, Dr. Clarke said, this cannot continue.

He explained that there are others in society who need critical resources, such as water and roads.

Dr. Clarke appealed for patience in relation to the allocation of compensation for public servants.


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