FID engaged in ongoing dialogue with prosecutors after ransacking and theft of items from SSL’s offices

The Financial Investigations Division (FID) says it is engaged in ongoing dialogue with prosecutors, regarding the ransacking of and theft of items from the St. Andrew offices of fraud-hit Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL) last night. 

Computers are among the items reported stolen from the entity.

Speaking with Irie FM News, FID’s Principal Director, Keith Darien, said the investigation is at an advanced stage and the incident file has been submitted to prosecutors.

Mr. Darien said the FID anticipates a final ruling on the matter shortly. 

The reported theft follows yesterday’s revelation that the scope of the fraud at SSL, has grown to more than USD $30-million with over 200 client accounts impacted. 

News of a multi-million-dollar fraud scheme at the entity surfaced early this year. 

Several people, including Jamaican Olympian Usain Bolt, are victims of the fraud.


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