EOJ reports 11% voter turnout up to 11 AM

The Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ) says voters are turning out slowly, to cast their ballots in the Local Government Election.

It said at 11 AM, there was voter turn-out of 11%.

All 6, 726 designated polling stations polling stations are open and operational. A total of 499 candidates are seeking to be elected for 228 divisions.

Three of the candidates are in a contest for the Mayor of Portmore, who is directly elected.

Of the candidates, 229 each, are representing the Jamaica Labour Party and the People’s National Party; four are representing the United Independents’ Congress; while 37 are independent candidates.

Providing an update to IRIE FM News, the Director of Elections Glasspole Brown said polling started on time, with only minor issues in a few areas.

He also noted that persons who were unable to vote in last Thursday’s early voting exercise, are being allowed to vote today.

Electors have until 5 pm to cast their ballots in the Local Government polls.


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