EOJ: Just over 15,000 special services electors voted yesterday despite over 40,000 registered; those who encountered issues to vote Monday

A little over 15,000 persons voted in yesterday’s special voting exercise.

That’s according to Director of Elections, Glasspole Brown.

Election workers, police officers and soldiers were allowed to cast their votes ahead of Monday’s Local Government polls.

This, to ensure that they are available for duty on Election Day.

Speaking with IRIE FM news, Mr. Brown said yesterday’s voter turnout, represents 38 per cent of over 40,000 electors who were expected to cast their ballots.

He said he hopes the turnout will be high for Monday’s polls.

Mr. Brown also confirmed that there were voting issues at one polling station.

He noted, however, that the 33 people who were impacted will be allowed to cast their ballots on Monday.


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