Brother of burn victim expresses appreciation for aid in getting teen overseas for treatment

The brother of burn victim, Alecia King has expressed appreciation, to the Sanmerna Foundation and other supporting entities for their help in getting the teen girl flown to a medical facility overseas, for further treatment.

17-year-old King has burns to 60 percent of her body, and is said to be in stable condition.

She was reportedly doused with a flammable liquid and set on fire by an ex-boyfriend, who entered her St Catherine home while she was asleep.

The brother was at the University Hospital of the West Indies on Tuesday, when King was transferred by ambulance to the airport, ahead of admission to the Shriner’s burn centre in Texas, in the United States.

He noted that the family is still traumatized by the incident.

He said on the day King was burnt, she should have collected her Caribbean Examination Centre, (CXC) exam results, but that has been put on hold.

He appealed to the alleged attacker to surrender to the police.

Meantime, the Sanmerna Foundation is calling on Jamaicans to continue to support and pray for burn victim, Alecia King.

Foundation Director Robert White described the situation as bitter sweet.

White again condemned the domestic violence related attack on King.

And, Project Manager Stephen Josephs noted that the support of several partners made the transfer of King possible.


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