Attorney for Police Federation Chairman says no one is above the law, court orders must be respected

Attorney-at-law Hugh Wildman has maintained that no one is above the law and that court orders must be respected.

The Attorney’s comment follows yesterday’s filing of an application in the Supreme Court, seeking a Contempt of Court order against the Police High Command and Assistant Commissioner Andrew Lewis.

Chairman of the Jamaica Police Federation Corporal Rohan James made the application over the apparent failure of the Constabulary Force to reinstate him in his job, with full pay.

In his affidavit, Corporal James stated that on November 17, the Supreme Court ordered that he be immediately reinstated in his job with full pay, but this has not been done.

Justice Tara Carr made the order for reinstatement when she granted James leave, to go to the Judicial Review Court to seek to quash the decision of the High Command, that he be interdicted with reduced pay for comments he made at the funeral of a colleague.

He had criticized the High Command for not paying cops their overtime money.

Mr Wildman, who is representing Corporal James, says the apparent reluctance of the High Command is a Contempt of Court and should be addressed by imprisonment.

Meantime, the Attorney representing the High Command, Peter Champagnie says it is appropriate for the matter to be ventilated in court.

He confirmed, however, that an appeal against the November 17 order has been filed, and the appeal date is set for January 31.


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