Any threat of disruption to public sector at this time would be unnecessary escalation -Finance Minister Dr. Clarke

Finance Minister, Dr. Nigel Clarke says that based on the progress in discussions with the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU) any threat of disruption to the public sector would be an unnecessary escalation.

The JCTU and the Jamaica Civil Service Association have expressed that thousands of public servants are reportedly restive due to a delay in wage talks with the Ministry.

Key among them are matters related to the compensation review and wage anomalies.

Dr. Clarke TOLD IRIE FM news that several meetings on various outstanding matters have been taking place between the Ministry and the Union.

This, he said is due to his acknowledgement that the compensation exercise is predisposed to discontent.

Dr. Clarke maintained that the Government has increased public sector compensation by just under $200 billion for the 2021/2022 and 2024/2025 fiscal years.

He said this move, though justified, has led to the postponement of expenditure that would benefit other segments of society.


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