21 children taken from Qahal Yahweh religious compound in June, released from State Care

The 21 children who were taken from the Qahal Yahweh religious compound in June this year have been released from State Care.

Some of the children were released to their parents and others were sent to other relatives.

The group is being represented by Attorneys-at-law, Peter Champagnie and Samoi Campbell.

The matter is scheduled to return to the Family Court on February 28, 2024, for Champagnie and Campbell to make submissions on the issue of the vaccination of the children.

Vaccinating their members, clashes with the religious beliefs of the Qahal Yahweh group and therefore, the group has been resistant to the state’s attempts to have the children inoculated.

The group had been under scrutiny for some time, following concerns relating to alleged abuse of children.

The situation prompted a multi-agency investigation, which resulted in a police raid, and the children being removed from the facility.


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