2 women perish in house fires in Clarendon and Westmoreland

Two women perished in two separate house fires in Clarendon and Westmoreland at the weekend.

Dead are twenty-nine-year-old Rosemarie McKay, a bartender of Rhodden Hall, Clarendon and 80-year-old Maris Kennedy of Burnt Savannah, Westmoreland.

McKay was killed in the latest incident on Sunday.

Reports from the Crofts Hill police are that about 1:50 a.mMcKay was at home with a relative when smoke was seen coming from her one bedroom board structure.

Residents reportedly tried to put out the blaze but their attempts were futile. 

The Fire Department was contacted and after cooling down operations McKay’s charred remains were found among rubble. 

The relative has not been seen since.

Meanwhile over in Westmoreland, Kennedy died in a fire in Frome on Saturday.

Reports are that at about 8:45 p.m Kennedy, who was bed ridden, was left home with a kerosene lamp that was lit in the house.

Moments later, residents informed a relative that the house was on fire. 

The fire department was contacted and cooling down operations were carried out. 

The scene was processed and Kennedy’s charred remains were found among debris.

Both incidents are being investigated.


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