Utech Students’ Union reaches agreement with institution regarding tuition increase

The University of Technology Students’ Union and the university’s management have reached an agreement regarding an acceptable tuition increase for the 2024/2025 academic year.

On Wednesday, the university said the parties were negotiating two options in response to the students’ request for management to consider a lower increase.

It said the executive of the students’ union had requested time to relay the options being negotiated to the general student body.

Feedback from the students was scheduled to be shared today when the parties reconvened.

In providing an update on today’s follow-up meeting, President of the Students’ Union, Rick Darby said the students were faced with two options.

The first was a five percent increase for the 2024/2025 academic year, with a tuition freeze for 2025/2026.

The second option was a three percent increase for the 2024/2025 academic year, with a potential tuition increase for 2025/2026.

Mr. Darby said the students have chosen to accept the three per cent increase.


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