US $6.4M to increase JUTC fleet

The government will be spending approximately US$6.4 million, to acquire 50 buses, to increase the Jamaica Urban Transit Company, (JUTC)’s fleet.

The contract to procure the vehicles, was signed on Tuesday.

45 of the buses, will be diesel, while the remaining 5 will be electric.

The vehicles are expected, to be delivered between six and nine months, commencing in the last quarter of this calendar year.

They will be assigned to the Kingston metropolitan transport region.

Minister of transport Audley Shaw, said the 45 new diesel buses, will have better fuel efficiency and lower carbon footprint, per passenger trip.

He noted that acquisition of the 5 electric vehicles, form part of government’s thrust, towards contributing to greener, cleaner, and cheaper transportation.

The 50 buses, are in addition to another 20 compressed natural gas buses, to be acquired under the expansion of the natural gas project.


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